
Reflection Mirror

Barbara Barry
No. BA3313
Product Dimensions: U.S. Customary System
Width Depth Height
W 27in D 1.75in H 48.75in
Product Dimensions: Metric System
Width Depth Height
W 68.6cm D 4.4cm H 123.8cm

Detailed Dimensions

  • Detailed Dimensions
      Product Dimensions: U.S. Customary System Product Dimensions: Metric System
    W 27in 68.6cm
    D 1.75in 4.4cm
    H 48.75in 123.8cm
    Detailed Dimensions
      Product Dimensions: U.S. Customary System Product Dimensions: Metric System
  • COM/COL Requirements
      Product Dimensions: U.S. Customary System Product Dimensions: Metric System

Options & Features

Product Features

  • Standard Finish(es): Deep Bronze
  • Brass frame with plain mirror glass
  • New Price 15% Off
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About This Collection


Barbara Barry is an iconic figure in the world of design, known for her essential, spare, and reduced architectural style. As both a designer and entrepreneur, her career has been dedicated to shaping the American aesthetic by synthesizing elements from various traditions. With a philosophy centered on simplicity and unity, she believes that good design should be understated and unadorned, devoid of unnecessary decoration. Her signature forms and color schemes have earned widespread acclaim, and her long-selling designs serve as a testament to her connection with others. Throughout her illustrious career, Barbara has been honored with numerous design awards and garnered praise from her peers as well as the press for her innovative approach to design.

All prices are Manufacturer’s Suggested List Price in U.S. dollars. Choosing a different grade may result in a higher price. The price you pay at a Baker showroom or authorized dealer may be different than the Manufacturer’s Suggested List Price. These prices supersede previous prices and are subject to change without notice. These prices do not include shipping. Any applicable sales tax and/or VAT will be added to the prices.

Due to differences in monitors, technical factors, and characteristics of some of our fabrics and finishes, the colors shown here cannot be represented with their true qualities and should only be used as a guide. To request a fabric or finish swatch, please contact your local dealer or showroom.

The digital representation of how some fabrics and finishes are applied to a frame should only be used as a guide. While the representation is informed, there may be differences when actually applied.

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